A blog is more than the sum of its parts

Illustration with the text Marketing Data Services to Researchers and Good Practices

In this part of the Good Practices series, Juuso Ala-Kyyny talks about the Think Open blog as a way to bring many actors together around open science and services.

The University of Helsinki Think Open blog (in Finnish) is the sum of many parts – the library, the IT center, research administration, communications and the National Library – as well as a set of broad themes. The overarching idea of the blog is to connect researchers/teachers, open science and services. 

Not only are researchers and teachers the main target audience as readers, but they also produce content for the blog. The purpose of the blog is to highlight and profile open science services as part of the service infrastructure of the university’s research services. The blog also aims to promote open science practices and research culture, and to monitor the development of open science.

Maintaining activity on the blog and ensuring its continuity, as well as contacting researchers and service providers (library, IT center) requires a responsible party. The blog itself scales according to the size and goals of the organization. An extensive background network can be useful in the operation of a blog, but more important is the activity of the network.

At the University of Helsinki, the library is the owner of the blog, but in addition to the library, the background network includes representatives of the Information Technology Center, research administration, communications and the National Library. The technical implementation of a blog is simple when you have a ready-made blog template.

Alongside direct service communication and information, open science also needs publication channels for discussion. It is important that different perspectives on open science, good practices and new initiatives are made public, or that the opportunity to do so exists.

Requires communication about the blog to reach all audiences.

Requires perseverance.



Text: Juuso Ala-Kyyny, University of Helsinki
Image: Unsplash/Tamanna Rumvee (adapted)

Previously in this series:

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