Making Training Materials Openly Available Saves Resources

 Illustration with the text Marketing Data Services to Researchers and Good Practices

Päivi Rauste continues the “Good Practices” series – this time the topic is open access to training materials. 

Openly accessible training materials, such as PowerPoint slides and video recordings, are offered for others to utilize. The aim is to upload them to the materials bank as early as possible after the training event, and materials should be updated and removed when the content is no longer up-to-date.

This practice is suitable for all organizations that offer training. Resources are necessary for the editing of video recordings, accessibility features such as adding captions, and for the updating or maintenance of the materials.

The goal is to utilize existing materials and recordings in order to save time and resources spent on training. Materials are not tied to a specific time and space, so everyone can peruse them according to their own schedule.

Everyone can use the materials and recordings to learn according to their own schedule. Resources necessary to edit the materials and to take care of accessibility features such as adding captions to recordings. Someone also has to check if available materials are still up-to-date.
Saves time for the trainers, since training events don’t need to be organized so often. There should be a shared platform for the materials, where they can be searchable by keywords.


Text: Päivi Rauste, CSC
Image: Unsplash/Tamanna Rumvee (modified)

Previously in this series:

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