Open access to scholarly publications by definition means that research publications can be read online free of charge and without hindrance. This is one of the pillars of open science. Through open access, research results are available to as many people as possible as quickly as possible.
The benefits of open access are obvious, but achieving them requires cultural change and redistribution of the publishing costs.
Expert panel in open access to scholarly publications
The expert panel in open access to scholarly publications meets and discusses current topics. If necessary, the group appoints working groups to address issues pertaining to eg. international publishing, financing, domestic publications or platforms and searchability of publications.
The expert panel is chaired by Susanna Nykyri (Tampere University) and the secretary is Aleksi Husso.
Invalid email addresses and associated names will be removed from the panel's list of members.
Ongoing working groups
Kokooma- ja yksittäisteosten avoimen saatavuuden osalinjaus (Policy Component for Open Access to Collections and Monographs)
Ammattijulkaisujen avoimen saatavuuden osalinjaus (Policy Component for Open Access to Professional publications)
Avoimen julkaisemisen vertaistuki (Support for open access publishing)
Participate in the expert panel/a working group by filling in the registartion form (in Finnish). If you need more information about the expert panels, please email the secretariat at
Please note that expert panel work is mainly carried out in Finnish.