Culture of open scholarship

Last updated 18.3.2025

Openness has always been part of responsible research. However, in a short time, what is meant by openness has changed. New digital tools and society's expectations create opportunities, but they also push the research community to increase the transparency of research and change the ways in which research is carried out, how results are disseminated and how researchers are rewarded. 

Promoting the culture of open scholarship culture can mean, for example, valuing and enabling the work done for open science and research. In addition, the expert group will consider, among other things: 

  • Responsible practices related to the merit of the researcher and the evaluation of the research
  • Services needed for open science and research
  • Opportunities and challenges created by participatory citizen science 

Expert panel in Cuture for Open Scholarship

The expert panel in open research culture has the task of promoting and discussing issues concerning the openness of the research culture by, for example, writing recommendations and strategies and updating terminology and discussing the role of open access to research results, data and publications in evaluating researchers and research.

  • Expert panels contribute actively in the making of national policies and recommendations

The expert panel is chaired by Laura Niemi (OY) and the secretary is Jonni Karlsson (TSV).

Invalid email addresses and associated names will be removed from the group's membership records.

Working groups of the Expert Panel

Kansalaistieteen tuki ja -palvelut (Citizen Science Support and Services)
WG will continue working in September 2025. 
Google workspace

Avoin tiede ja tekoäly (Open Science and AI)
WG is going start in 26 March 2025. 

Vastuullisen tutkijanarvioinnin tuki ja -palvelut  (Responsible Researcher Assessment Support and Services)
Chair: Mira Söderman (TSV) and Laura Niemi (University of Turku) 
Google workspace

Vuorovaikutus päätöksentekoon ja avoin hallinto  (Interaction with Decision-makers & Open Administration)
Chair: Niina Nurmi (University of Helsinki) 
Google workspace

Avoimen toimintakulttuurin kehittäminen  (Developing the Culture of Open Scholarship )
Chair: Laura Niemi (University of Turku) 
Google workspace

Past working groups

Avoimen tieteen termit (Open Science Terms)
The working group updated the Glossary for Open Science in the Helsinki Term Bank for Arts and Sciences. The WG continues its work under Finn-ARMA network. 

Kansalaistiede (roughly: citizen science)
The working groups output was The Recommendation for Citizen Science

Palvelut avoimen FAIR-toimintakulttuurin edistäjinä (roughly: services as drivers of  FAIR-culture)
The working groups output was The Self-Evaluation Tool for Culture of Open Scholarship Services

Kannustimet tutkimuksen ja opetuksen vastuullisuuteen ja avoimuuteen (roughly: incentives for responsible and open research and teaching )

Yritysyhteistyön avoimuus (roughly: open collaboration with companies)
The working groups output was the Open Science Recommendation and Checklist for Research, Development and Innovation Activities in Collaboration between Research Organizations and Companies

Avoimen tieteen hyvien käytäntöjen opastus (roughly: open science guidance for good scientific practices)
The working groups output was a database form for collecting good scientific practices. (the form is in Finnish)

Vastuullinen metriikka (roughly: responsible metrics) 
The working groups output was the national recommendation for responsible metrics (in Finnish) 


Participate in the expert panel/a working group by

Please, note that expert panel work is mainly carried out in Finnish.