What will the reforms mean for researchers when applying for Academy funding or using the funding granted? How are the Academy’s new practices linked to national and international developments in science and research? Join this Academy of Finland webinar to address these questions.
Starting with calls to be opened after 1 January 2021, the Academy of Finland will introduce a number of reforms concerning open access to scientific publications and responsible researcher evaluation. Through the reforms, the Academy wants to further strengthen its long-established policies on openness of scientific outputs and responsibility in researcher evaluation.
The policies are supported by the Academy’s commitments to international and national declarations over the past two years. The reforms concerning open access publishing and responsible researcher evaluation support the Academy’s objective of funding high-quality, high-impact and innovative research in an accountable manner.
13.00 – 13.05 Aki Salo (Finlands Akademi, ledande vetenskapsrådgivare): Welcome
13.05 – 13.15 Riitta Maijala (Finlands Akademi, överdirektör för forskning): Introduction: Reforms to Open Access and Responsible Researcher Evaluation
13.15 – 13.35 Henriikka Mustajoki (Vetenskapliga samfundens delegation, utvecklingschef): Open Access and responsible research evaluation – Role of national recommendation and policies
13.35 – 14.00 Johan Rooryck (cOAlition S, Executive Director): Plan S: an international alliance for the alignment of Open Access policies
14.00 – 14.20 Comments and discussion on links between domestic and international OA policies
14.20 – 14.30 Break
14.30 – 14.50 Jyrki Hakapää (Finlands Akademi, ledande vetenskapsrådgivare): Academy of Finland’s Open Access Policy
14.50 – 15.10 Kata-Riina Valosaari (Finlands Akademi, vetenskapsråd): Responsible Researcher Evaluation at Academy of Finland
15.10 – 16.00 Comments and discussion on Academy of Finland’s policies and guidelines
(Foto: Juho Karjalainen)