EOSC impact & uptake at institutional level: benefits & challenges

kuvituskuva, jossa toimistotarvikkeita

EDIT: Download the presentation slides and watch the recording on YouTube.

In this webinar organised by the EOSC Finnish Forum, we will hear three presentations from the members of the Forum on how the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is affecting or will affect universities and research practices.

One of the key objectives of EOSC is to ensure that Open Science practises and skills are rewarded and taught, becoming the ‘new normal’. Reproducible research is one of the pillars of Open Science. Josefine Nordling, CSC – IT Center for Science, will open the webinar by presenting how the endeavour to make science reproducible inevitably has an impact on the research practices.

This presentation will be followed by two talks from Niina Nurmi and Manna Satama, University of Eastern Finland, and Helena Laaksonen, Tampere University, describing how universities are approaching the digital transformation that EOSC is bringing and will bring in the next years from an institutional and community perspective.  

The webinar will be held in English and moderated by Sara Garavelli, EOSC Program Manager, CSC – IT Center for Science and Director at the EOSC Association.

13.00–13.05  Welcome, Sara Garavelli, EOSC Program Manager, CSC – IT Center for Science and Director at the EOSC Association

13.05–13.25 Reproducibility - Rethinking the research practices. Josefine Nordling, Open Science Specialist, CSC – IT Center for Science

13.25–13.45 A grassroots-perspective on EOSC while developing the data management support services of a university: case University of Eastern Finland. Niina Nurmi, Project planner for data management support services and Manna Satama Information specialist, University of Eastern Finland

13.45–14.05 EOSC: institutional and thematic perspective, Finnish Social Science Data Archive and CESSDA. Helena Laaksonen, Director, FSD & Chair of CESSDA General Assembly

14.05–14.25 Q&As

14.25–14.30 Closing remarks

We kindly ask you to register in advance to get the zoom link.

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