Have your say on the policy component for anthologies and monographs
The draft for a policy component on open access to anthologies and monographs is open for a second round of comments 5.8.–13.9.2024.
Propose recipients for Open Science Awards 2024
The National Open Science and Research Coordination awards open science practices in the Open Science and Research Winter Conference 2024.
New policy component to advance open access to theses
The policy component on open access to theses was published during the Open Science Summer Conference 3.6.2024.
The objective of the monitoring of open science and research is to support the development of open science and research in organisations, support and verify the achievement of the objectives agreed in the Declaration and policies
Declaration for Open Science and Research 2020-2025
The Declaration for Open Science and Research presents a common vision for the Finnish research community.
Policy for Open research data and methods
The policy for open access to research data and methods consists of strategic principles common to the entire policy and two policy components in which objectives and actions are set out for each are