Monitoring results 2022

Last updated 7.6.2024

The 2022 monitoring on open science and research has been completed with excellent results. The level of openness of the majority of the universities and universities of applied sciences was evaluated as excellent or outstanding. Four out of ten research institutions reached outstanding level. The majority of the universities and universities of applied sciences reached the two topmost levels of openness. Location, size or multidisciplinarity did not generate differences between the openness levels of higher education institutions. Among research institutions, those with medium staff numbers displayed the highest level of openness. 

Regarding universities, the openness of data and infrastructures proved to be outstanding, whereas the openness level of education was satisfactory. Universities of applied sciences and research institutions displayed less performance level variation across the various areas. As for individual questions, all universities of applied sciences and universities had, for example, considered the Declaration for Open Science and Research in their own guidelines. In addition to this, many services related to the openness of publications and use of open publications, as well as the basic services related to the data management, were available at all or almost all research organisations. Open education and responsible evaluation, in turn, were found to be the least developed areas. 

The monitoring results were published on 31 October with open access in the portal, where the users themselves can select viewpoints for viewing the data. The portal’s visual analytics platform allows for viewing the results at the level of different sectors or the entirety of Finnish open science and research. All the research data has been published openly in Finnish in FAIRdata services. The data include the results as well as the indicators and the points awarded by indicator.

In monitoring, research organisations submitted case studies of best practices in open science and research, link to the summary in English of the best practices submitted.

The total costs of Open Access and Publication to Finnish institutions in 2021 collected together with the Open Science and Research monitoring were published on 16 December 2022 in as a part of the Monitoring of Open Science and Research entity. The data of the total costs is available in FAIRdata services.

A number of research organizations provided clarifications to certain policy documents related questions in the summer of 2023. Based on these clarifications, the monitoring results of some research organizations changed from those originally published in 2022. The updated results have been posted on the portal and in the infographic below.


Navigation path to the monitoring results 2022 on open science and research in the National Research Information Hub