What would you like to say about Open Science? Tell us!

An envelope and an empty card on a table.

Do you have in mind a topic that should be presented in the News section but has not been there yet? Let us know!

In the News section in our website we publish texts e.g., about development of Open Science in Finland and elsewhere in the world, interesting events and interviews with people working with various aspects of OS. We are always on the lookout for new topics to be covered and new experts to be heard.

Visibility for different actors

Sharing experiences of challenges and solutions in OS is helpful not only for others struggling with the same issues but also for us here at the national OS coordination. Understanding different situations and different actors will help us to take everybody's points of view into account when developing our operation.

Openness and co-creation are the core principles in all our actions at the coordination: everybody’s welcome to join. That’s why we want to hear as many different voices as possible, in different languages.

Interesting topics might go under the radar

For our stories, we often interview one or more experts on the topic. We find these experts through our networks, for example the diverse and active expert groups of the coordination. The topics, on the other hand, are selected based on e.g., what is currently happening in the OS field and what the coordination team happens to have in mind. Ideas for topics might pop into mind, for example when browsing social media or news sites.

Without a doubt a lot of interesting topics also go without noticing and a lot of good experts do not get interviewed, simply because that topic did not cross our minds or we did not know about that expert.

Let’s open science together!

Do you have a topic that should be introduced in our news section but has not been there yet? Have you for example come across OS related questions or developed good OS practices e.g., in your own research, organisation or journal? Let us know about it!

Your idea does not have to be ready, nor do you have to know everything about the topic to be an expert on it. Likewise, complete answers to difficult questions are not required, we can ponder them out loud and try to find solutions together! Texts published in our website have to be in line with the Declaration for open science and research but critical voices within that frame are more than welcome.

Contact us at avointiede(at)tsv.fi – let’s open science together!

Text: Elina Koivisto, Open science coordination
Photo: Kate Macate, Unsplash

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