How well have we achieved the objectives set for the open science and research? Open Science and Research monitoring will provide answers. Data collection is open 19.5.-30.6.2022.
- Questionnaire for monitoring and cost of open access (for Finnish research perfoming organisations)
- Try Open Science and research monitoring - a simulator
Monitoring model for open science and research - Principles and practices
The Finnish research community has jointly set clear objectives for the development of open science and research both in the Open Science and Research Declaration and in the policies supporting it. Open science and research monitoring examines the achievement of objectives both nationally and from the perspective of organisations.
Data gathering
At the core of the data collection is a qualitative survey for research perfoming organisations. The survey examines policies supporting open science and research as well as services that support open science and research. Policies and services have been grouped according to four areas of open science and research: culture of open scholarship, publications, data and methods, and education.
Data gathering survey is available until 30.6.2022. The survey has been sent to all research perfoming organisations.
Anyone is welcome to trial and test the survey by using the OS Monitoring simulator, which calculates the scores as well.
Estimating the total cost of OA publishing
As part of the open science and research monitoring, we will also complete a national estimation of OA publishing in collaboration with the National Library. The need for the national OA monitoring was identified in the Policy for Open access to scholarly publications (2019). This is the first national estimation.
Estimation is based on a questionnaire sent to all research perfoming organisations as part of the monitoring. The questions can be viewed here.
Publishing the results
The OS monitoring results will be published in October-November 2022 in research.fi. The results will be presented from the national and organisational perspectives. It is also possible to look at results per indicator.
Estimate of the total cost of OA publishing will be published in October 2022 in research.fi.
The Finnish Open Science and Research monitoring is based on Maturity Evaluation carried out by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The current monitoring is expanded from the Maturity Evaluation as open science and research practices have developed since it was last completed in 2019. The purpose of the monitoring is to gain information on open science and research nationally and to support organisations in developing policies and practices to support open science. The open science and research monitoring webpage will give up-to-date information on monitoring developments in Finland.
The National Open Science and Research Steering Group oversees the monitoring, which is carried out by the secretariat. The working group developing the monitoring model worked from OCT20 to DEC21 and was chaired by the Vice-Rector Kalle-Antti Suominen from University of Turku.
Text: Henriikka Mustajoki (AVOTT)
Picture: Original edited by Anne Haapanen