The 2024 Open Science and Research (OS) monitoring results indicate a significant commitment from Finnish research organisations towards promoting openness.
This second round of monitoring, conducted by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, shows that two-thirds of the universities, nearly half of the universities of applied sciences, and two research institutes reached the highest level of openness. This marks considerable progress since the first round of monitoring in 2022.
“Achieving an excellent result in all areas of monitoring requires determined development work," says Marita Kari, Senior Specialist in the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.
Responsible evaluation practices have advanced markedly from 2022. This development highlights the dedication of Finnish research organisations to aligning with international standards for responsible research evaluation. Open education and the use of open educational resources continue to evolve.
Monitoring is based on policies co-created by the Finnish scientific community
The Finnish scientific community has jointly developed an open science and research policy framework which implementation is being examined by the monitoring.
The aim of the monitoring is to support open science development work at organisations, to support and verify the implementation of the objectives laid down in the Declaration for Open Science and Research and in the related policies and to generate an overview of the openness level of Finnish science and research.
The development of open science and research operating models at organisations was considered in the monitoring from the viewpoints of different areas (publishing, data and infrastructure, education and culture for open scholarship) and ways of promoting (guidelines, services and cooperation).
The monitoring results for 2024 were published on 30 October on the research.fi -portal where the users can examine the data from their chosen perspectives. The results can be viewed for example at the level of different organisations, sectors or national level on the portal's visual analytics platform.
The entire research data will be made openly available by the end of the year on the research.fi website.
Response rates again very high
Monitoring for 2024 is more comprehensive than the first monitoring carried out in 2022. Results on individual questions are comparable across years, but comparisons of degrees and levels of openness must take into account changes in approach.
The 2024 monitoring included comprehensive data collection through an online survey sent to research organisations, supplemented by data from the Finnish Research Information Hub.
All Finnish universities as well as universities of applied sciences and the research institutes whose data can be found in the Finnish Research Information Hub were invited to take part in the monitoring of open science and research in 2024. We thank all respondents for their valuable work. The response rates were impressive:
- Universities 93%
- Universities of applied sciences 100%
- Research institutes 92%.
Further development of open science and research monitoring
Monitoring model has been developed by a working group founded by the Open Science and Research Steering Group.
The next monitoring will take place in 2026. The development of indicators for 2026 monitoring is ongoing.
The monitoring will be revised in the updating process of the national open science policy framework during 2024–2025.
More information:
- Senior Specialist Marita Kari, tel. +358 40 560 8068, marita.kari@tsv.fi
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Photo: TSV.