The Reference Architecture of Open Science and Research is open for comments from 17.4 April to 2 June 2.6.2023.
The reference architecture covers the entire Finnish ecosystem of open science and research and describes the target state in which the objectives defined in the policies for open science and research have been met.
Volumes open for comments cover the basic level of the reference architecture: Capabilities and resources, as well as the business architecture that includes actors, roles, business services and business processes.
Request for comments is open to the entire research community. Comments are collected via online form.
Comments on the reference architecture are also made available as PDF. (in Finnish)
You can explore the reference architecture (in Finnish) on the E-duuni wiki and the architecture bank (in the path Toimialat -> Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö -> Avoimen tieteen ja tutkimuksen VA).
In the spirit of open science, all nominal comments received are compiled and distributed on a public platform. Anonymous comments will not be taken into account or published.
The request for comments has been sent to universities, research institutes, learned societies, funders of science and research, scientific libraries and archives.
In addition, commenting is open to the entire research community and comments can be submitted either as an organisation or an individual.
One aim of the commenting form is to enable focusing on relevant parts of the reference architecture for the organisation or individual making the comments instead of having to fill the entire form as a requisite.
After the commenting period, the reference architecture working group will modify the reference architecture based on the received comments, prepare an assessment of the level of readiness of the business services identified in the reference architecture and make a proposal to the OSCaR-Steering Group for a reference architecture management model.
Kuva: Luca Bravo, Unsplash.