The policy component on open access to theses will be open for comments from the 18th of September until the 3rd of November, 2023.
The draft policy component now open for comments clarifies and concretises the strategic objective of open access to research publications defined in the Open Science and Research Declaration - "All new research publications are immediately openly accessible" - and the strategic objective of open education and educational resources - "The creation, use, and co-development of open educational resources and other open teaching practices are part of the everyday life of higher education and enable continuous learning".
The draft will be open for comments from the entire research community between 18.9. and 3.11.2023. The comments will be collected through an online form.
The draft policy component is available in three languages:
In the spirit of open science, all non-anonymous comments will be collected and shared on a public platform. Anonymous comments will not be considered nor published.
The request for comments has been sent out to higher education institutions, student organisations, research institutes, scientific societies, funding bodies of science and research, as well as scientific libraries and archives. In addition to this, the draft is open for comments from the entire research community, and comments can be submitted either as an organisation or individually.
A working group consisting of members of the expert panels on open publications and open education has, together with the Open Science and Research Coordination in Finland, drafted a policy component on open access to theses. This policy component forms an integrated whole with the 2019 Policy component for open access to journal and conference articles. It also takes into account, where relevant, the principles set out in the National Policy on Open Access to Education and Educational Materials.
Once the comment period is over, the working group will work with the Open Science and Research Coordination in Finland to revise the draft. The aim is to adopt the policy in early 2024.
In parallel with the commenting on the policy component, two recommendations on open education are also open for comments: LINKKI
Picture: Nick Fewings / Unsplash