The draft policy components for open access to anthologies and monographs and for open educational practices are open for comments 7.2.–18.3.2022.
- Comment on the Policy Component for Open Access to Anthologies and Monographs
- Comment on the Policy Component for Open Educational Practices
These draft policy components supplement previously published components. The Policy Component for Open Access to Anthologies and Monographs is part of the Policy for Open Access to Scholarly Publications, which also has a policy component on open access to journal and conference articles (2019).
The Policy Component for Open Educational Practices in turn is part of the Policy on for Open Education and Educational Resources. Its first policy component on open access to educational resources was published in 2020.
The Finnish research community is invited to comment on the policy components via an online form 7.2.–18.3.2022. A request for comments has been sent to higher education institutions, research institutes, learned societies, research funders, scientific libraries and archives. In addition to this, comments are open for individuals as well as organisations.
In the name of open science, all named comments will be published on an open platform. Anonymous comments will not be taken into consideration or published. The policy components are available in three languages.
Policy Component for Open Access to Anthologies and Monographs:
Policy Component for Open Access to Educational Practices:
The policy components have been written by working groups under the Expert Panels on Open Access and Open Education in cooperation with the the National Open Science and Research Steering Group. After the commenting period, the working groups will revise the drafts and present them to the Steering Group during spring 2022. The goal is to adopt the policy components during 2022.
Photo: Arnaud Jaegers, Unsplash