Comment on the draft for a road map for funding open science


A draft for a road map for funding open science has been subjected to a public round of comments from 28 October to 5 December 2024.

Working group for Funding Open Science appointed by the The National Steering Group for Open Science and Research was established in the spring of 2023. The aim of the group is to design a roadmap for funding open science including a supporting action plan that covers all areas of open science.

The road map is based on goals and objectives stated in the The Declaration for Open Science and Research and The National Policy Framework. The first version of the road map has been subjected to a public round of comments starting on 28.10. The comment period lasts until 5.12.

“The idea of the road map has been to see how current funding of science and research could be shaped to better support openness. Since the funding is composed of various sources, the road map is also divided into many more detailed recommendations," says the working group's secretary, Ilmari Jauhiainen.

The working group is broadly represented by actors that are funding and directing research and higher education, research organisations, organisations representing researchers, open science enablers, and non-governmental organisations promoting research openness. The working group's term of office is two years, and the roadmap is expected to be completed in spring 2025.

The road map is divided into short-term and long-term recommendations

In the short term, the following recommendations will contribute to the road map:

In the long term, the following recommendations and actions will contribute to the realisation of the roadmap:

There will be two webinars to support the round of comments

The draft of the road map is 35 pages in length. The draft is to be commented on one recommendation at a time. In addition to questions about recommendations, there are general questions about the introduction, structure, and other sections of the document at the end of the survey. Answers can be saved and responses to the survey can be continued later. Sending the form does not require answering all questions.

Questions can be answered in Finnish, Swedish or English. However, the draft text exists only in Finnish at the commentary stage. In the spirit of open science, all nominal responses received are considered and later made available on a public platform. Anonymous responses will not be published or taken into consideration.

The request for comments has been sent to higher education institutions, research institutes, learned societies, science and research funders, scientific libraries, archives and other key stakeholders. In addition, commenting form is open to the entire research community and comments can be left either as an organisation or in person. 

Two instructive webinars will follow to support the round comments, which can be joined without separate registration. Questions regarding the round of comments sent to will be answered in the latter webinar. 

Webinars are held in Finnish. 

The vision of the Roadmap for Funding Open Science and Research is that the actors in the Finnish science and research community have sufficient, clear and interoperable means and guidelines to enable the implementation of open science and research and the funding required for doing it in a sustainable way.

After the round of comments, the working group will finalize the roadmap, which is to be later approved by the Steering Group for National Coordination of Open Science and Research. 

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Photo: Romain DancreUnsplash

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