Do you or does your background organisation have an ongoing Open Science project or initiative? Come and present it at the Open Science and Research Winter Conference!
The 2023 Open Science and Research Winter Conference will be held on November 8-9 at the Kuopio campus of the University of Eastern Finland. The Winter Conference is organised by the National Open science and Research Coordination, University of Eastern Finland, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, and Karelia University of Applied Sciences.
Like in previous conferences, participants have a chance to present short (max. 5 minutes) news about current projects or initiatives related to Open Science. Send the title of your presentation and a draft of your presentation slides to avointiede@tsv.fi by the 16th of October.
All current Open Science topics are warmly welcomed! However, news related to this year's theme "Open Educational Resources", or to the work of the Open Science expert panels and working groups are particularly appreciated. The PowerPoint presentation should include no more than two slides. Please send your presentation to avointiede@tsv.fi via email by October 16. It is not possible to hold your presentation remotely, so if you cannot attend the event physically, please send us a recording of your presentation.
The final selection of the Open Science news presentations is done by the organising group of the conference, consisting of representatives from the Secretariat for the National Open Science and Research Coordination, the University of Eastern Finland, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, and Karelia University of Applied Sciences. The applicants will be informed of the final decision by the 20th of October.