Last updated 11.3.2024

ROSiE (Responsible Open Science in Europe) is a three-year project (2021-2024) funded by HORIZON2020. Its mission was to co-create with all related stakeholders novel practical tools to foster a responsible open science and citizen science. ROSiE aimed to provide customized solutions through an interdisciplinary knowledge hub bound to actively pursuing open approaches in science and research, while complying with relevant legal frameworks and ethical standards.

To reach its objectives, ROSiE would:

  • EXPLORE Provide a systematic inventory of RE/RI, social, and legal implications and challenges of OS; and of existing technologies and platforms that safeguard responsible OS.
  • ENGAGE Conduct consultation and stakeholders engagement aimed at creating and sustaining a community of practice involving all European stakeholders interested in OS and RE/RI.
  • GUIDE Conduct a strategic policy assessment for promoting responsible OS and, utilising a reflective equilibrium process, develop operational guidelines for relevant stakeholders, including a complement of the European Codi of Conduct for Research Integrity.
  • EQUIP Develop a RE/RI knowledge hub for OS and training materials for RE/RI aspects of OS

AVOTT (TSV) was involved in several tasks of which the most central ones were the following three tasks:

  1. WP5 - GUIDE: Facilitating the use of Responsible Open Science - best practice guidelines and new policy frameworkWP5 produced and coordinated the mapping of the current OS public policies in Europe, and lead the project ́s GUIDE phase through the development of a detailed strategic policy assessment and operational guidelines (Task 5.4), aiming at the promotion of responsible OS and complementing the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ECoC). WP5 produced ROSiE General Guidelines on Responsible Open Science, which are further compimented with discipline-related guidelines. Read more about WP5
  2. WP6 - EXPLORE, GUIDE, and EQUIP: The ROSiE Knowledge Hub for Open Science: The ROSiE Knowledge Hub is a platform designed to openly funnel the project’s results and outputs in a user-friendly way. The content is organized in different thematic, open science-related, sections focusing on the following: research ethics, research integrity, social issues of open science, legal issues of open science, training in open science, open science infrastructures, and policy issues of open science. Read more about WP6
  3. WP7 - EQUIP: Training materials for promoting responsible practice of Open Science: The ROSiE training materials are aimed at the following groups of trainees: (i) students, (ii) early career researchers, (iii) experienced researchers and (iv) citizen scientists. For each group of trainees in each field of science - natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, health and life sciences. The developed training materials were tested in various types of institutional and educational settings. Read more about WP7

ROSiE Final Event ‘Research Integrity in Open Science for Europe’ was organized by the European Parliament's STOA Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA Academic Freedom Roundtable) on Feb 21st 2024. The recording of the event can be watched via the European Parlament website and the progamme can be found from the project's website.

All the deliverables can be downloaded from the project’s website. The ROSiE project also has a Zenodo community.

Learn more about the project from the ROSiE consortium website. You can also follow ROSiE on Twitter (@rosie_open).

More information: Elina Koivisto (elina.koivisto(at)