CSC - IT Center for Science offers the EOSC Finnish Forum members the possibility to apply for a free ticket for the next Virtual RDA Plenary, taking place from 20 to 23 April 2021
CSC - IT Center for Science offers the EOSC Finnish Forum members the possibility to apply for a free ticket for the next Virtual RDA Plenary, taking place from 20 to 23 April 2021. Members of the Finnish Forum who are early career scientists & researchers working with data or individuals working for a Finnish organisation that has adopted or is planning to adopt an RDA output or recommendation can apply. This applies also to persons studying or working at Universities of Applied Sciences. (Not an EOSC-FF member? Register now!)
Interested candidates are invited to fill in the application form below by Monday 29 March 2021 at 6 pm EET. The successful applicants will be granted with free registration to the 17th RDA Plenary and will be asked to write a short publishable summary (max 1 page) on how the session/s they have attended has contributed to their work/study. The summary will be published on the EOSC Finnish Forum web page.
Submit your application by Monday 29 March at 6.00 pm EET.
Applicants should satisfy the following criteria:
- Be members of EOSC Finnish Forum. If you are not a member yet, please register now!
- Be early career scientists & researchers working with data currently engaged in Bachelor, Masters, PhD or Postdoc studies (note that applicants must be enrolled in a higher education study course or within maximum 5 years after completing a PhD in the case of Postdoc studies) or individuals working for an organisation that has adopted or is planning to adopt an RDA output or recommendation.
Evaluation and selection:
Applications will be evaluated by the EOSC Finnish Forum Office according to the following criteria:
- Interest in RDA and EOSC and how they support sharing and re-using of data across technologies, disciplines, and countries
- Organisation type & Gender balance will be taken into account to ensure balance distribution of grants.
Deadline and notification:
Interested candidates are invited to submit the online application by Monday 29 March 2021 at 6 pm EET. Applications submitted after that will not be taken into consideration. All applicants will be informed of the decision 31 March 2021. CSC - IT Center for Science will offer altogether maximum of 10 registrations. Please note that the early bird rate to the Plenary is available until 2 April should you not be granted a free registration.
Photo: Annie Spratt, Unsplash