The Finnish research community has jointly created a Declaration for Open Science and Research.
The declaration was approved by the National Open Science and Research Steering Group on 10th of December, 2019.
The declaration provides a common direction for the development of the research community. The declaration outlines a vision, where open science and research are seamlessly integrated in researchers' everyday work. The joint mission is to promote openness as a fundamental value of science, to strengthen the relevance of research in society and to increase the mobility and impact of research.
The declaration defines four strategic objectives that specify how openness will become part of the daily life of researchers and scientists. The goals are defined by the research community for:
- research culture
- open access to research publications,
- open access to research data and methods; and
- open education and educational resources as promoted by the research community.
The next step will be for the research community to express its commitment to the declaration. Open Science Co-ordination will invite all the organisations of the research community in Finland to sign the joint Declaration for Open Science and Research in February.
All members of the Finnish research community have been able to contribute to the creation of the declaration. It has been the subject of one round of comments addressed to research organizations and one round of comments open to everyone. Through this process the declaration has taken a form which reflects the research community's understanding of open science and research and the importance of achieving openess. By agreeing to clear common principles and practices to promote open science and research, the research community has created a space where science and research can remain independent of external influences.
The declaration is also the joint response of the Finnish research community to international open science and research policies. International developments affect the Finnish research community in various international organizations and activities.
- Declaration for Open Science and Research (Finland) 2020-2025
- National Steering Group on Open Science and Research