The EOSC Finnish Forum launches an Open Call to attend the 21st RDA Plenary free of charge either virtually or in person. Apply by September 17!
The Research Data Alliance, or RDA, is a global grassroots initiative that aims build the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing and re-use of data. It gathers international research data experts together on a voluntary basis to form Working Groups, Interest Groups and Communities of Practice that produce recommendations and outputs on data sharing, exchange and interoperability. RDA also organises biannual Plenaries, where the community may come together to discuss developments, opportunities and challenges surrounding research data.
RDA’s 21st Plenary takes place during the International Data Week in Salzburg, Austria 23-26 October 2023. The International Data Week is organised jointly by RDA, CODATA and World Data System and combines the RDA Plenary Meeting and the SciDataCon 2023, a scientific conference addressing the frontiers of data in research.
CSC - IT Center for Science is offering EOSC Finnish Forum members the possibility to apply for a free registration and travel support to attend the International Data Week either remotely or in person.
Members of the EOSC Finnish Forum who are scientists, technologists or researchers working with data or individuals from Finnish organisations that have or are planning to adopt an RDA output or recommendation are welcome to apply. Early careers are particularly encouraged to apply. This includes also persons studying or working at Universities of Applied Sciences. (Not an EOSC-FF member? Register now!)
Interested candidates are invited to fill in the expression of interest form by the 17th of September 2023 17:00 EEST. The successful applicants will be granted with a free registration to the International Data Week and travel support if they express interest in attending the event in person.
Successful candidates will be asked to write a short blog text (max 1 page) on event. The texts should focus on key take-aways on the RDA Recommendations and Outputs, connections to the EOSC, or upcoming developments that are relevant for the Finnish Open Science and research data community. The blogs will be published on the EOSC Finnish Forum web page. (Read blogs from the previous RDA Plenaries.)
We will prioritize expressions of interest based on
- The interest in RDA and EOSC
- The work to support sharing and re-using of data across technologies, disciplines, and countries
- Organisation type, gender balance, career stage, especially early careers, will be considered to ensure a balanced distribution of support and a more diverse engagement.
All applicants will be informed of the outcome of their submission no later than 25 September 2023. CSC - IT Center for Science will offer a maximum of five (5) free registrations which can be virtual registrations or in person registrations including travel support. The travel support will cover exclusively flight/ferry/train and accommodation costs.
Send your application by 17 September 2023 17:00 EEST.
Have any questions? For more information about RDA & the travel support application process, you’re welcome to join the short RDA info organised by CSC – IT Center for Science on 11 September 2023 at 14-14:45.