Read about the Finnish contributions to the special issue of Data Intelligence in the MIT Press Journal.
This month, the MIT Press Journal has published the special issue of Data Intelligence on Open Science and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The issue includes a very interesting article by Jean-Claude Burgelman, Free University of Brussels, documenting how the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) emerged as one of the key policy intentions to foster Open Science (OS) in Europe. In relation to this article, among the others, do not miss the comment by Per Öster, Director at CSC-IT Center for Science Ltd.
The special issue continues with a series of articles focusing on the role of Open Science in our society and examples of Open Science and Open Data success stories.
In particular, the article Developing Open RDI and Education in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences by Anne Kärki, Seliina Päällysaho, Kaisa Jaalama, Juhani Talvela, Anttoni Lehto and Hannu Hyyppä focuses on the different levels of maturity of Open Science in the Finnish universities of applied sciences (UAS) while the article Key Aspects of Open Data in Finnish RDI Cooperation between Higher Education and Businesses by Seliina Päällysaho, Jaana Latvanen, Anttoni Lehto, Jaakko Riihimaa, Pekka Lahti, Anne Kärki and Helena Puhakka-Tarvainen highlights aspects that should be considered during an open Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) process cycle to improve the utilization of research data and foster open cooperation between higher education and businesses.
Photo: Timothy Kassis, Unsplash