EOSC Finnish Forum informs about the Open Calls launched by the EOSC-Future project to support the uptake of EOSC at different levels. See the current calls and apply!
EOSC Future is an EU-funded project (2021–2023) that is implementing the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Through co-design with scientists and other stakeholders, EOSC Future will establish a trusted platform with open and FAIR data, resources and services for all scientific disciplines. EOSC Future has €1.6 million grant fund out of which €1 000 000 will be awarded through the RDA Open Calls and €600 000 will be awarded through various Digital Innovation Hub calls. The first calls are already open!
EDIT: This page was updated 21 September 2021.
Call for proposals of EOSC Future WP3 Working Groups to advance the EOSC Interoperability Framework
New !
Through these working groups, the project wants to engage its stakeholders in the definition of guidelines and standards to advance the EOSC Interoperability Framework. EOSC Future is looking to ensure that the functional requirements from cross-community use cases are compatible and technically interoperable with the EOSC-Core that is being developed. The working groups are, therefore, expected to demonstrate an impact on EOSC Future’s work on architecture and interoperability.
Potential areas of interest for proposals include:
- Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)
- Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI)
- Science use cases (requirements for the EOSC Architecture gathered from the scientific communities)
- Composability (EOSC Execution Framework to facilitate cross-cluster resource composition)
- Metadata (common modelling of metadata schemas and crosswalks)
- Compute-as-a-service (standard interfaces to access EOSC Compute resources)
- Container deployment (standard interfaces to deploy and manage container clusters in EOSC)
- Security
- FAIR data
EOSC Future Working Groups will differ from the Task Forces (TFs) initiated by the EOSC Association and its five Advisory Groups (AGs). Anybody in EOSC Future or outside the project can submit a proposal for a working group. Applicants can submit their working group proposals until 30 September 2021 to EOSC Future’s Architecture and interoperability team: contact-wp3(at)eoscfuture.eu
For further information and to learn more about the process, please refer to the Working Groups Methodology and the official FAQs.
Call for researchers to apply for the EOSC Future User Group, DL 30 September 2021
Application period extended!
EOSC Future is looking for 200+ science champions to help co-design and finetune EOSC services and products. Active user involvement is crucial for guaranteeing that the cluster of EOSC products and services respond to researchers’ changing real-life needs. Therefore, EOSC Future is looking for a diverse group of users and stakeholders to help co-create a trusted virtual data environment. Through the EOSC Future User Group, the project will assemble a team of “EOSC champions” from different scientific disciplines across the EU to help test and refine services and products. The User Group will rely on surveys, focus groups, and testbed sessions to validate project outputs.
1st RDA Call: Optimising RDA Open Science Frameworks and Guidelines in the context of EOSC
As part of the EOSC Future project, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is launching a call for proposals to improve the technical data frameworks for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). These proposals should focus on maintaining, optimising and documenting existing frameworks in keeping with RDA’s outputs and recommendations.
While many trusted frameworks for FAIR data interoperability already exist, they need to be optimised and documented further to be (re)implemented in EOSC. The RDA Open Calls look to engage the scientific community to improve and document existing frameworks while leveraging existing RDA recommendations for:
- data management
- data collection
- data cescription
- identify, store, and preserve
- disseminate, link, and find
- policy, legal compliance, and capacity
This call specifically targets small projects to show implementation and uptake of RDA recommendations. It aims to support and encourage applicants that adopt existing recommendations and outputs to promote examples and lessons learnt within the broader EOSC community.
The Research Data Alliance welcomes applications from persons or groups committed to FAIR data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and the principles that RDA holds dear. The call is open to a wide variety of applicants, including junior or senior researchers, mid-career data professionals, and data scientists. Applicants can be part of a European research group, organisation or SME.
Submit your application by 29 October 2021, 4 pm (CEST) via the EOSC Future Grants Platform.
Continuous call for RDA External Evaluators until June 2023
This call is seeking experts to evaluate a series of diverse grants to be awarded by the Research Data Alliance (RDA) over the course of the EOSC Future project. Though the call will remain open for submissions until June 2023, experts will be called on to evaluate grant applications as soon as October 2021. The evaluators will operate remotely via the EOSC Future Grants Platform and will be responsible for evaluating applications for RDA Open Calls, both for general and discipline- or domain-specific grants. Evaluators will be routinely selected from the pool of applicants based on their availability and the expertise required. Aside from a few exceptional cases, drafting an individual evaluation report will be compensated with a €150 fee (equivalent to 0.3 working days).
Experts can submit their applications via the dedicated EOSC Future Grants Platform, which will manage the grants application process for all calls under EOSC Future’s €1.6 million grant fund.
Closed calls
First User Survey
With its first User Survey, EOSC Future hopes to get a clearer view of how its potential users work. The survey includes questions about digital tools researchers use to structure and complete their tasks, everyday challenges and more long-term roadbocks. EOSC Future invites everyone in the European research ecosystem (e.g. researchers, research librarians, policymakers, higher education administrators, funders and citizen scientists) to take part in the survey! The survey closed 2 September 2021.