The recording and presentation slides are now available.
On 8 June 2022, the EOSC Finnish Forum organised a webinar in collaboration with four EOSC-FF members on how the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is affecting or will affect universities and research practices, EOSC impact & uptake at institutional level: benefits and challenges.
13.00–13.05 Welcome, Sara Garavelli, EOSC Program Manager, CSC – IT Center for Science and Director at the EOSC Association
13.05–13.25 Reproducibility - Rethinking the research practices. Josefine Nordling, Open Science Specialist, CSC – IT Center for Science
13.25–13.45 A grassroots-perspective on EOSC while developing the data management support services of a university: case University of Eastern Finland. Niina Nurmi, Project planner for data management support services and Manna Satama Information specialist, University of Eastern Finland
13.45–14.05 EOSC: institutional and thematic perspective, Finnish Social Science Data Archive and CESSDA. Helena Laaksonen, Director, FSD & Chair of CESSDA General Assembly
14.05–14.25 Q&As
14.25–14.30 Closing remarks