The guidelines for describing research data are now available as an English translation. The guidelines are particularly intended to assist researchers in producing descriptive information about research data.
As part of the translation process, some links in the Finnish version were updated. No other changes have been made to the new Finnish version.
The files are available on Zenodo. Below are direct links to the PDF files:
- Guidelines for describing research data (in English, released 7 January 2025)
- Updated Guidelines document in Finnish (released 7 January 2025)
The Finnish version of the guidelines, published on Zenodo in September 2024, has been popular. In less than four months, it has been viewed over a thousand times and downloaded more than 700 times.
The guidelines for describing research data an overview of the essential elements in research data description. Most of the descriptive information is usually created by the researcher involved in producing the data. The purpose of the guidelines is to support this work. They aim to orient researchers to the processes of data description and to open up these processes on a general level. Central themes include topics related to descriptive metadata.
The guidelines were prepared by a working group of the expert panel in open data within the National Open Science and Research Coordination.
Kuva: djbagaha, Pixabay