First draft of the principles of the Policy on Open education and educational resources and of the Policy component on Open access to educational resources is open for comments until 26th of June, 2020.
- Comment the draft (until 26th of June, 2020)
- DRAFT: Policy component on Open access to educational resources
Working group appointed by the Expert panel on Open Education, together with the National steering group of Open science and research, has drafted principles for the Policy on Open education and educational resources and a policy component on Open access to educational resources.
Draft is the first part in the national Policy of open education and educational resources for Finnish higher education and research community, which specifies the national Objective for open education and educational resources in Finnish Declaration of Open Science and Research 2020-2025. Later the policy is completed by a Policy component on Open educational practices.
How to comment
Draft is available in Finnish and English. Comments can be sent with an electronic form.
- Comment the draft (until 26th of June, 2020)
- DRAFT: Policy component on Open access to educational resources
In the spirit of open science, all comments with a name will be shared publically. Anonymous comments won't be taken into account nor published. Both organisations and individuals can comment the draft.
The electronic form gives an option to comment on every principle and objective of the policy component, and on its introduction. It is not necessary to comment on all parts of the draft. Commenting is possible until 26th of June, 2020.