Call for papers - posters for the 2024 Winter Conference

Illustration, with text: Call for Papers.

This year's winter conference features posters instead of short presentations. Submit a poster proposal by 1 November and a finished poster by 15 November if you want the poster printed by event organizers.

The 2024 Winter Conference will take place at Åbo Akademi University from 3 to 4 December 2024. The theme of the event is multilingual science communication and open science. The event is organized by Open Science and Research Coordination, Åbo Akademi University and the Helsinki Initiative for Multilingual Science Communication. 

This year, the role of short presentations will be delivered by posters. Theme for posters are projects or initiatives related to open science. In particular, posters related to multilingual science communication and open science or the activities of open science expert panels and working groups are especially welcome. 

Send your poster proposal to by 1.11. and the finished poster by 15.11. if you are interested in having the the poster printed by the event organizers. Proposals are read and evaluated, and final decisions on the included posters are made by the organizing committee, which includes representation from the AVOTT Secretariat and other organizing organisations. 

Applicants will be informed of the decisions by 8 November. 

Poster instructions

  • Can be done directly to Powerpoint
  • When using Powerpoint, you should directly select the correct size for the file (A1) in the program settings.
  • File format PDF
  • Vertical direction/portrait, single-sided
  • Can use your own university model
  • Remember a font big enough
  • As good a resolution as possible
  • Note the cutting clearance, no text or anything too close to the edge

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