Open science spring conference 2021: the price of openness

Kayaker at sea, event info on the left: The virtual open science spring conference 4–5.5.2021 on the price of openness, #avataantiedekevät21, organized by Oulu university and the Coordination of Open Science
Event begins
Event ends

The 2021 open science spring conference takes place online on 4–5 May 2021. This year's theme is the price of openness. 

The change towards openness in science and research has a price. This refers to money as well as structural changes and fundamental changes in the ways we communicate, process research output, teach and study.

What constitutes the price of openness? How do researchers in different disciplines experience this change, what and in what ways does it cost them? 


Preliminary programme 4.5.2021 

(Please note that the programme is partly in Finnish)

9.00–9.10 Avauspuheenvuoro, Taina Pihlajaniemi, Vice Rector of Research, Oulun yliopisto. 

9.10–9.15 Järjestäjän terveiset, Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen, Library Director, University of Oulu 

9.15–10.00 Securing Open and Free Infrastructure: Community Action, Vanessa Proudman, Director SPARC Europe. 

Break 5 min 

10.05–10.20 Koordinaatiouutiset, Henriikka Mustajoki, TSV  

10.20–10.45 Avoimen tieteen työryhmät esittäytyvät

10.45–11.45 Lunch 

11.45–12.25 Open at any price? Reviewing short- and long-term implications of current forms of open access, Mikael Laakso, Hanken.  

Break 5 min 

12.30–13.15 Paneelikeskustelu: Costs of open science. Vanessa Proudman, Mikael Laakso, Seppo Vainio, Petr Štěpánek. Moderator Henriikka Mustajoki, TSV. 

14.00–14.30 The researcher’s viewpoint on EOSC, Anca Hienola, Finnish Meteorological Institute.  

14.30–14.50 Break

14.50–15.20 Tutkimusdatan avoimen saatavuuden linjauksen kommentointi, Heidi Enwald, Oulun yliopisto. 

15.20–15.50 Avoimista oppimateriaaleista, Jari Laru, Oulun yliopisto. 

Break 5 min 

15.55–16.30 Avoimen tieteteen lyhyet uutiset  

16.30–16.45 Päivän yhteenveto ja päätös, Minna Abrahamsson-Sipponen ja Henriikka Mustajoki. 


Tapahtuman teemat
Coordination of Open Science