Open Science and Research Awards

Last updated 23.7.2024

Every year, The National Open Science and Research Coordination rewards open science practices. 

The National Open Science Award is awarded to an individual or a research group, who or which has in their research and/or teaching work brought positive publicity to open science and/or advanced the culture of open scholarship or other open science practices.

The Champion of Open Science Award is given to an organization or group which advances the fulfilment of open science practices in Finland, and which provides through their work an example and support for others.

The scientific community and wider public are invited to provide suggestions for the recipients annually, according to the guidelines published on the Open Science website closer to the autumn application period. The awards are presented at the yearly Open Science Winter Conference. The recipients of the awards are chosen by the National Open Science Steering Group. 

The aim of the Open Science and Research Expert Award is to highlight the work carried out in expert groups. The chairpersons of the expert groups propose the winners of the award and the selection is carried out by vote at a meeting for the chairpersonnel. The award is presented annually at the Autumn Workshop for Open Science and Research. 

The Open Education Awards, i.e. the Finnish Open Education Influencer -award, the Finnish Open Educational Resource -award and the Finnish Open Educational Practice -award are presented annually at the Summer Conference for Open Science and Research. The winners of the awards are selected by a jury from the candidates that have been raised in the open call, in which UNIFI, Arene, SYL, SAMOK, the National Library of Finland, AOE and the Expert Group on Open Education on Open Science are represented. 

The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, is responsible for the coordination of the award. Earlier, from 2015 to 2017, the Ministry of Education and Culture awarded a yearly prize for work advancing open science practices through the Open Science and Research -project.

Previous recipients of the awards

Year Award Recipient
2024 Finnish Open Education Influencer -award Anna Lindfors (CSC)
2024 Finnish Open Educational Resource -award Funky Facts (Tampere university) 
2024 Finnish Open Educational Practice -award Digivisio 2030’s e-learning training concept (Digivisio 2030) 
2023 National Open Science Award Tuomas Aivelo (University of Helsinki)
2023 Champion of Open Science Award The Muuttolintujen kevät (Migratory Bird Spring) Project (University of Jyväskylä, YLE, CSC)
2023 Finnish Open Education Influencer -award Matleena Laakso (Tampere Universities, freelancer) 
2023 Finnish Open Educational Resource -award Kaisa Puttonen (Laurea), Leena Elenius (SeAMK) & Riitta-Liisa Karjalainen (KAMK)
2023 Finnish Open Educational Practice -award Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes (Svenska handelshögskolan)
2023 Open Science and Research Expert Award Anne Kärki (Samk)
2022 National Open Science Award Sami Borg (Kunnallisalan kehittämissäätiö, University of Tampere)
2022 Champion of Open Science Award Susanna Nykyri (University of Tampere Library)
2022 Champion of Open Science Award

The Finnish Society of Forest Science

2022 Open Science and Research Expert Award Tomi Rosti (UEF) 
2022 Finnish Open Education Influencer -award Tarmo Toikkanen (Open Knowledge Finland, Creative Commons Finland,

The Association of Finnish eLearning Centre)

2022 Finnish Open Educational Resource -award Petteri Muukkonen, Critical project & students from the GIS Project Work -course
2022 Finnish Open Educational Practice -award The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences (HTB)
2021 National Open Science Award Niina Käyhkö (Turun yliopisto)
2021 National Open Science Award Leo Lahti (Turun yliopisto)
2021 Champion of Open Science Award Pelikulttuurien tutkimuksen huippuyksikkö (Tampereen yliopisto, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Turun yliopisto)


National Open Science Award Jari Laru (OY)
2020 Champion of Open Science Award Suomen Lajitietokeskus (Luomus, Helsingin yliopisto)
2020 Champion of Open Science Metsähovin radio-observatorio (Aalto-yliopisto, CSC)
2019 National Open Science Award Aalto-yliopiston Rakennetun ympäristön mittauksen ja mallinnuksen instituutti (MeMo)
2019 Champion of Open Science Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE)