EOSC Finnish Forum is once again opening a call for Research Data Alliance plenary travel and participation grants. 23rd RDA plenary will be organized in San José Costa Rica from 12 to 14 November 2024.
Apply by 11 August 2024!
To the application form https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/B7319CD9D18ABFEA
Research Data Alliance RDA is a global membership organization focused on research data management issues. It has 85 organisational and over 14 000 individual members. RDA’s objective is to promote data interoperability and build bridges between discipline specific, technical, and national domains.
At the core of RDA’s activities are the member initiated interest and working groups, of which there are currently 106. To ease navigating the broad spectrum of topics RDA has created thematic pathways. Among these for example FAIR, CARE and TRUST principles, Data Infrastructures and Environments, and Training, Stewardship and Data Management Planning are of actual interest for the Finnish research community.
For the RDA member community, the biannual plenaries are a key forum. Most of the plenary program consists of parallel sessions by interest and working groups. RDA plenaries are also important opportunities for testing new ideas (birds of a feather sessions) and networking. The spring plenary of 2024 was organized in virtual format. The second 2024 plenary (RDA P23) is happening in San José, Costa Rica on 12-14 November.
CSC – IT Center for Science offers EOSC Finnish Forum members an opportunity to apply for travel and participation support for RDA P23. Because the location is remote from Finland, and the travel cost therefore quite high, we will provide full support (participation fee + travel costs) to only one individual. In addition we offer two participation fee sponsorships.
The call is open to all EOSC Finnish Forum members working with data, either as experts or researchers, or who represent a Finnish organization or other actor, that is implementing, or planning to implement, one of the RDA outputs. This definition includes also individuals working or studying in a Finnish university of applied science (ammattikorkeakoulu in Finnish). We encourage especially early career stage experts and researchers to apply! If you are not yet a member of the EOSC Finnish Forum, you can join here.
Those who are interested in the sponsorhip should fill out the application form by 11 August.
In exchange for the sponsorship, grant receipients will be asked to provide a short blog text (ca. 1 page) describing the plenary sessions that they participated in, also highlighting any interesting RDA outputs, EOSC related developments, and other things of interest for the EOSC Finnish Forum they have come across. These text will be published on the EOSC Finnish Forum website. (See blog posts from previous RDA plenaries.)
We will evaluate applications based on the following criteria:
- Applicants interest towards RDA and EOSC
- Applicants work and other activities in promoting sharing and reuse of data across technical, disciplinary, and national borders
- Organisational affiliation, gender balance, and career stage will be taken into consideration in order to ensure balanced division of grants.
All applicants will be notifed about their decision by 16 August.