What kind of ethical questions are related to the use of artificial intelligence? How can the visibility of Open Access books be promoted? Welcome to this seminar hosted by Tampere University Press to discuss current developments in Open Access publishing.
The seminar is free and open to everyone. It will be held at Tampere University City centre campus, Linna building, Väinö Linna Auditorium (K104). You can also take part via Zoom, but because of the coffee and cake and face-to-face discussions, we warmly recommend participating on-site!
The first part of the seminar is in Finnish. The second half following the coffee break is in English and some of the speakers are on Zoom.
12.00–12.05 Tervetuloa seminaariin / Dean Päivi Pahta, Tampere University, Chair of Editorial Board
12.05–12.20 Tampere University Pressin visiosta / Publishing Manager Susanna Nykyri, Tampere University Press
12.20–12.35 Tampere University Press <3 Edition.fi / Information Specialist Anna Ruth, Tampere University Press
12.35–13.15 Kohti timanttimallia? Avoimen julkaisemisen nykytilanne / Associate Professor Mikael Laakso, Hanken
13.15–13.30 TUPin vuoden kirjan palkitseminen / Professor Emerita Ullamaija Kivikuru, University of Helsinki
13.30–14.30 Coffee break
14.30–15.00 On the visibility of Open Access books / CTO, Head of Research Ronald Snijder, OAPEN Foundation (via Zoom)
15.00–15.15 Technology and culture of editorial/author scamming in academic publishing / Information Specialist Janne-Tuomas Seppänen, Open Science Centre, University of Jyväskylä
15.15–15.45 Using AI in and for Research: Responsibility and Research Ethics / Doctoral Researcher Otto Sahlgren, Tampere University (via Zoom)
15.45–16.00 Discussion
Please contact tup @ tuni.fi for more information.