The Reference Architecture for Open Science and Research 2024–2030 will be published in a hybrid event organized on March 19, 2024. The steering group for the national coordination of open science and research approved the reference architecture on December 13, 2023. The reference architecture provides an overview of the national target state for open science and research by 2030 and assesses its current state.
The reference architecture was developed under the national coordination for Open Science and Research (AVOTT) between 2021–2023. In addition, many other members of the domestic scientific community have participated in the work, for example, through workshops and various consultations. Furthermore, the architecture underwent a public commenting round in spring 2023. The reference architecture was initiated by the AVOTT steering group and the Ministry of Education and Culture.
13–13.05 Opening of the event, Susanna Nykyri, leading expert, University of Tampere, chair of the reference architecture working group
13.05–13.30 Presentation of the Reference Architecture for Open Science and Research 2024–2030, Ilmari Jauhiainen, expert, The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
13.30–14.45 Commentary speeches (currently confirmed)
- Jukka Heikkilä, professor, Finnish Professor Association, chair of the reference architecture working group
- Juha Kontio, education director, Turku University of Applied Sciences
- Eeva Nyrövaara, CSC, Data Management Architecture
- Virve Peltoniemi, TAMK, OPI reference architecture
- Mark van de Sanden, systems architect, SURF
- Matias Frosterus, information systems manager, National Library,
14.45–15.30 cake and coffee
Photo: Josh Boot, Unsplash