Open Scholarly Books Seminar

An open book on forest floor, red-framed glasses.
Event begins
Event ends
House of Sciences and Letters

The seminar discusses the implications of different guidelines for open access publishing, perspective being in scholarly books. During the day, both national and international agents in the field share their views and invite colleagues to ponder different solutions – and, perhaps, draft some new ones.


The morning session will be in Finnish, the afternoon in English.

9.30–9.35 Welcome

9.35–12.00 Publishing open scholarly books in Finland, experiences and discussion (in Finnish)

12–13 Lunch

13–14.45 Experiences on OA scholarly books, local and global insights

14.45–15.15 Coffee break

15.15–15.45 Panel: OA Scholarly books, what's next?

15.45–16 Summing up & takeaways

Photo: Pixabay

Tapahtuman teemat
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)