This autumn SND will host a Nordic Webinar Series focusing on policy and practice in the development of open science and research data management across the Nordic countries.
Representatives from Norway (21/11), Denmark (1/12) and Finland (19/1) will present cases, anecdotes, and policies, both in effect and in the making, in each of their respective countries. Each 1,5-hour webinar will address research data management from 3 perspectives.
Firstly, what is the general landscape in each respective country; how does it look currently, what are the next steps and in what direction do policy makers, institutions, and researcher’s wish to take in future.
Secondly, from a slightly narrower perspective, what are our (SND) peers and equivalents doing in an infrastructural sense; what is being done and how and where can knowledge and policy exchange take place for the betterment of practice across the Nordics.
Lastly, but far from least, how does research data management look from an administrative perspective at university level; what successes or hindrances are there to the FAIRifying of research data and who is guiding and educating researchers on what they need in terms of repositories, data management planning, and so on.
The aim of this webinar series is to get a broad, inexhaustive, picture of the Nordic landscape, considering mutual and collaborative goals, and achieving national and European targets. The webinars will be publicly accessible, but the target audience is administrators and researchers from across all 4 countries.
Further information can be found on the event's website.
Ilmari Jauhiainen, Senior Expert (Open Science and Education at The Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)
Jessica Parland-von Essen, Development Manager, CSC - IT Center for Science
Tuija Korhonen, Information Specialist, University of Helsinki
Mari Kleemola, Development Manager at Finnish Social Science Data Archive at Tampere University