GraspOS benefits to Finnish organisations

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Our next EOSC Finnish Forum webinar will look at how the solutions developed in the GraspOS project advance open-science-aware responsible research assessment. Learn how pilot work related to the service, as well as resources to support assessments and a new hybrid-indicator can benefit Finnish organisations, especially from the point of view of open science practices.

In this webinar the Finnish partners of GraspOS, CSC - IT Center for Science, University of Eastern Finland and the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies are joining forces and presenting their work done in these contexts.


  • Introduction to GraspOS / Laura Himanen, CSC - IT Center for Science (5 min)
  • Pilot work related to (OpenCitations and Openness Profile) / CSC - IT Center for Science (15 min)
  • Developing resources to support responsible research assessments as part of the Open Science Assessment Framework (OSAF) /Elina Koivisto, Tiina Sipola, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (15 min)
  • Hybrid Indicator for the Evaluation of Societal Interactions of Open Science / Katri Rintamäki, Heikki Laitinen, Anni Tarkiainen, University of Eastern Finland (15 min)
  • Q&A (15 min)

The webinar will be held in English, and it will be recorded.

Register here.

In any questions, please contact: eosc-ff-support(at)

Further information:

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EOSC Finnish Forum