Sign up to the EOSC-Nordic final event and co-located regional events. Registration closes 22 September.
EOSC-Nordic project (2019-2022) has facilitated the coordination of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) relevant initiatives within the Nordic and Baltic countries over the past three years. The final event THE END OR A NEW BEGINNING? will be organised on the 5th of October in Tallinn. Join the event to hear about the results of regional EOSC cooperation and case examples of FAIRification and motivation of service providers among other topics.
A set of co-located regional events will be organised in conjuction with EOSC-Nordic´s final event:
EOSC-Nordic projektin lopputapahtuman yhteydessä järjestetään joukko muita tapahtumia:
Tuesday 4.10, 9:00-17:00 Sensitive Data e-Infrastructure in the Nordics workshop
Tuesday 4.10, 9:30-16:00 The First EOSC Tripartite event in the Nordic and Baltic countries (Invitation only)
Tuesday 4.10, 18:30-23:00 Social dinner for all participants
Venue: Proto Invention Factory (Peetri 10, Tallinn).
Wednesday 5.10, 9:00-17:45 The EOSC-Nordic Final event
Thursday 6.10 Data Science Seminar at the University of Tartu. Bus transfer from Tallinn to Tartu and back is provided. Arrival back in Tallinn around 23:00.